About Yo Productions
Since the release of her first book, Yolonda has continued to flourish in her writing. She has traveled the country for various book signing events and speaking engagements, appearing on radio, television, and in nationwide periodicals. In 2008, Yolonda founded Yo Productions, LLC - a theatrical entertainment and literary services company - in order to launch a stage adaptation she'd written of her debut title.
Yolonda also consults with various print publications, businesses, and individuals in need of writing/publishing services and guidance. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, exercising, singing, and spending time with her family

Our Mission
The mission of Yo Productions, LLC is to create, review, and publish works that S.H.I.N.E.
(Stimulate Minds, Honor God, Inspire Others, Nourish Hope, Encourage Growth)

Our Vission
The vision of Yo Productions, LLC is to transform lives all across the globe.

​Our Commitment
The vision of Yo Productions, LLC is to transform lives all across the globe.